- Secondary Spectrophotometer Calibration Standard
- 2차 흡광 셀 측정 표준
■ Wavelength와 Photometic Accuracy의 확인용
■ Absorbance in visible range: 440, 465, 546, 590, 635nm wavelength
■ Wavelenth in the UV and Visible Range: 279.3, 360.9, 453.5, 536.3, 637.6nm
■ Hellma
Cat. No. Model Description S18-69-755 666-000 Calibration Standards 구성 Component
Cat. No. Model 재질 Nominal Absorban S18-69-911 666-F1 Holmium Oxide Glass Filter - S18-69-915 666-F2 Grey Glass Filter NG 11 0.25 S18-69-919 666-F3 Grey Glass Filter NG 5 0.5 S18-69-923 666-F4 Grey Glass Filter NG 4 1.0 S18-69-927 666-F0 Empty Mount -